Happiness of the Day…

“I feel myself falling, I’m feeling happy now” ~ Take That

Or, as defined by my dictionary:

Happy (adj): feeling or expressing joy, causing joy or gladness, fortunate or lucky


Things I currently feel very grateful for…

Happiness is:


A lie in

The purring of a cat

Silly conversations with a friend

Your team winning

Being trusted

The warmth of the sun on your skin when walking

Surprise gifts

Good food





Share your happy things on a comment box-shaped postcard and, whatever you’re up to, have a happy day.



Serious Happiness…

“I feel myself falling, I’m feeling happy now” ~ Take That

Or, as defined by my dictionary:

Happy (adj): feeling or expressing joy, causing joy or gladness, fortunate or lucky


We, that have the right to right to protest and express our views…

Happiness is:


Standing up for what you believe is right

Making a voice for those too weak, too dispirited, too frightened to speak


The freedom to express an opinion

The opportunity to debate

Allowing others a voice even if you disagree

Protecting those in need

And standing up to those trampling on others

Knowing and accepting that freedom and power come with responsibilites


Those of us that have these things should treasure them and never abuse them.


Thoughts, as always, on a comment box-shaped postcard

